Skilled Nominated visa – Subclass 190

Skilled Nominated visa – Subclass 190 This visa lets nominated skilled workers live and work in Australia as permanent residents. Basic Eligibility have an occupation on the relevant skilled list have a suitable skills assessment for the occupationList Item be invited to apply for this […]

Skilled Independent visa – Subclass 189

Skilled Independent visa – Subclass 189 This visa is for invited workers and New Zealand citizens with skills we need, to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia. Basic Eligibility See the relevant stream Points tested stream This visa lets invited workers with skills we […]

Temporary Activity visa – Subclass 408

Temporary Activity visa – Subclass 408 This temporary visa lets you come to Australia to participate in events which are endorsed by the Australian Government. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is only for participation in certain events that have been endorsed by the Australian Government You can stay in […]

Global Talent visa – Subclass 858

Global Talent visa – Subclass 858 This is a permanent visa for people who have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in an eligible field. Basic Eligibility either be in or outside Australia but not in immigration clearance when you apply and […]