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TRA review skills assessment policy

From 1 June 2021, Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) will implement the updated Assessment Review Policy. The key change is that TRA will consider the information submitted with the original application plus any additional evidence provided with the review application to support the original application. For further information

Promotion for Investment Visas

The Morrison Government is reforming the Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) to create more Australian jobs, promote the growth of key sectors and support Australia’s economic bounce back from the COVID- 19 pandemic. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke

Better Deal for Australia from business and investment visas

better deal for Australia from business and investment visas The Morrison Government is reforming business and investor visas to maximise the economic benefits for Australia. The Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) will be simplied from nine to four streams and there will be changes

Migration, Education and Translation


About Us

We provide professional service in education, migration and translation.

Headquartered in Melbourne, the company specialises in securing visas for clients seeking to live, visit, work or study in Australia. It also provides services in English training, etc. 


Let’s become a fortune of each other



Our team consists of experts from a variety of professional background including business, law, migration, education, finance, accounting and information technology.

Bearing the concept of “Let’s become a fortune of each other” in mind, we provide the clients with the most professional, attentive and concentrated services. We create more values for our business partners as well.